Ok, Ok I've got my wig back on and in place and I've settled down.
I'm not getting any older and no matter how hard I try my children are getting bigger (I tried to stop em!) The economy is on the verge of collasping (my opinion) Gas is off the charts and the price of food is right up there with it. Seeing how the world around me is changing I had to come up with a financial plan so we (me my future broke and disgruntled husband and my broke and disgrutled kids) can SURVIVE!
"Hi, my name is 1brokedisgruntledsista and I'm a Shop-A-Holic and I'm in Debt"The first step is admitting that there is a problem and in my case it's ME!I've learned the painful way that if it's on your Ass then its not an ASSET. Armed with that knowledge I had to develop a plan to get out of debt and stay on the reformed Shop-A-Holic wagon.
Step 1
Realize what matters most in life, everyone's different different values drive different desires. To me being a good steward with what God has blessed me with is what's most important, glorifying Him with what He has given me is my #1 top priority. I can't glorify Him if I'm constantly focused on buying me the latest (knock off) of the new hot styles. This is what started me on the road to recovery as far as shopping goes.
Step 2
Develop a plan! "If we fail to plan, we can plan on failing" I don't know who said that but it works for me so here's my plan:
I started my emergency fund a few months ago and reached that in no time just by cutting out my emotional shopping. Baby steps, I set the fund goal at
$2000 bucks and we now have a
fully funded efund. I do plan on increasing it but I have to get the debt paid down first.
In my post "Ain't worth Jack Spit" I listed my networth and debt, a big chunk of my debt has been eliminated! Thank Ya Jesus!
Here's a breakdown of a large part of the remaining debt.
*This isn't all of it...I'm taking baby steps*Keep in mind all of these accounts have been turned over to collections so my poor credit score is exactly that POOR!
Sprint $222.62
University Medical $219.00
University Medical $88.00
University Medical 452.00
SBA $1,712.00
With the van note being eliminated ($250) and I just received a pay increase which will be $311 additional dollars on each pay check before deductions of course. That's $872.00 additional dollars a month give or take. Now being a sister who is NOT going to live above her means I am attacking this debt and getting it out of my life FOREVER!
Since we lived comfortably on the old salary which is still the current salary until Aug. 1, 2006, we shall continue as if the promotion and raise never happened. The additional funds will be applied to debt and 1brokesista's retirement fund cause I wanna lay on the beach with my girl Single Ma and sip Margarita's when we retire!
Track my progress! I give myself until Jan. 1, 2007 to get rid of the 5 bills above. I'll keep you posted and the elimination begins the first paycheck the new salary kicks in!.