Tuesday, September 26, 2006

It's been a minute!

I know I know, I haven't been posting lately, but life just got turned up 400degreez! A sista been getting her grind on. School three times a week, Tuesday, Thrusday, and Saturday each class 3 hours long. I got the Broke Disgruntled Teen and Pre-Teen to contend with, not to mention this full-time gig...8am-5pm Monday thru Friday. And they wonder why I love wigs, weaves and hair pieces! It's been cool though, I am enjoying school and really understanding math, I should have taken the special bus math along time ago and saved myself some headache and some financial aid money. I have been negelecting both blogs and my website...Sorry Single Ma, but I am doing as I'm told UPDATING!

The budget spreadsheet: It's there! I use it I am tracking our spending, it's good seeing where all my money is going and it helps when I need to make cuts and adjustments.

I have paid off another small debt! Yeppie!

I got my good faith papers, a sista is buying a house! Yeppie!!!!!

Oh Yeah today a sista got a 41cent raise. Yall know i got a nice raise in July when I took this new position that works me like a Slave!

Something interesting, I had $200 dollars set aside for groceries and was all set to go shopping,
when that inner voice stopped me. Yall know I talk to myself, it told me to clean the deep freezer and I did. Yall buried under that ice was a mountain of meat. I must have been on some type of hot dog binge because if I didn't have 11 packs down in their I didn't have any. I found steaks, shrimp, ground beef, chicken, hamburger patties, fish among other things. Needless to day I didn't go shopping that day and we haven't ran out of food yet. But it pays to clean out those freezers, deep freezers and pantries.

My mind on my money and my money on my mind so I've been watching my spending, but I've also learned from Single Ma that you have to spend something on yourself, so with that said during the customer appreciation sale at Catherines *yes I'm a big girl* I purchased myself a $220 dollar black leather blazer for $107.00 and yesterday I took a trip to bath and body works, I almost lost my mind in there, they had a sale 25-40% off. Purchased me a Sweet Pea gift basket regular $59 bucks got it for $29 and I got my beloved japanase cherry blossom body spray, lotion and body wash in a cute basket with a bath sponge all for the low price of $17.49.
This fragrance almost put Sweet Pea to rest for me but I still hold on. Ha!

I will be peeping in and updating when I get a chance to breatheeeee! Yall be praying for a 1brokesista!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Insurance Companies and screaming teen girls

This is what I spent my extra money on this month and the month just began!
2 tickets to the Christ Brown up close and personal tour.

Tomorrow I have to have oral surgery and thanks to my dental insurance who won't cover the cost of me being put to sleep to have just 1 wisdom tooth removed even though it has decayed and the nerves have errupted, I have to come out of my pocket with $300+ dollars. I know that's a run on sentence but I'm in extreme severe pain and that's how I feel. And the pain all started Monday night~them damn yelling lil heffas! I wish I could get up and personal to Ne-Yo or Chris Brown right now I'd choke the shit outta them! But of course it's my own fault we had damn good seats I could smell they breaths and the the music up front is even louder! Yall this tooth hurts so bad. But I would like to give a special shout out to my medical insurance company who did cover the cost of my prescription of Darvocet *big smile* my co-pay was only $3. In about five minutes I should pass out.

Ok pray for me yall I'm kinda edgy and been extra disgruntled this week. My poor fiance is gonna leave me if I don't let up! LMAOOOO! But I love him *in my sha nay nay voice*

Peace 2fingas!