Boondocks by Aaron MacGruder
You can go ahead and shot me for not posting over here regularly. I do have an excuse, I'm in school! Full-time no doubt and I work FULL-TIME and at the end of the day I have to muster up all th energy I have to spend time with my disgruntled teens. They have to get their quality time from me. Anyway, I'm taking a CIS 146 class which translates to a not so basic computer class, which I'm acing by the away because it's all about Micro.Soft Office. Well I'm on the Excel unit and when we are done going through each project in the book we have to submit a personal project. A Spreadsheet and the instructor gave us themes but those were kinda basic wack! *I know, nobody says wack anymore* I'm developing a spreadsheet that will track all of my debtors. It will list the original creditors, the original amount owed, the amounts owed after late fees and interest. This letter will also track my disputing process, because a lot of that stuff they SAY I owe I don't! And dammit I'm not going to pay it and I am tired of living under the weight of debt. I figure it will be a great way to get an A on a project and it will finally force me to organize or should I say streamline this process. I know I'm in for a fight but so far the fight is going good. Credit Boards.Com has been a big help. I will post the spreadsheet over here when I'm done with it.